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Don't Make Plans Page 6

  Paige made a mental note to ask her sister about the test. Sadie worked with special needs children with ADHD, Autism, and Asperger’s. She had told Paige that ADHD was unlikely when Justin was originally diagnosed by the school. In Sadie’s opinion, there would’ve been signs much earlier. Her hunch was Justin was still dealing with the trauma. The loss of his father in his life left a gaping hole that had yet to be filled. Paige imagined the testing couldn’t hurt, especially if she could pinpoint what was really going on with Justin. Was his brain working properly? If the answer was yes, then it was something else.

  Paige dropped off Justin at school and gave him a kiss. He seemed to be a little embarrassed with her display of affection and wiped his face with the back of his hand. Then he ran to the playground to wait for the buzzer. Miss Adams, the old prune, waved to her.

  As Paige drove to work, she wondered about her son. He had complained vehemently about being taken out of the classroom from the very beginning. Paige hadn’t delved into it any further. When she had brought it up, the teacher and principal were resolute in their solution to the problem. She promised herself she would push the envelope with them. Maybe she needed a second opinion. She sure needed one for a lot of her other life decisions – like choosing insurance for a career and Jeremy for a husband. Buying her house had been a big mistake, too. Without a second income, the house was too much for her and she contemplated selling. But, where would she go? Too many questions.

  She drove into the parking lot and swiped her card at the front door. Waving to the security guard, she took the elevator to the fourth floor. She stashed her lunch in the fridge. It was like Groundhog Day. The workers were all miserable. No one liked their job.

  Finally, 4:00 PM approached. A few minutes before, Paige ran into the lunch room and brushed her teeth. Her eyes were strained from using the computer all day and she splashed cold water on her face. She removed the hair clip that held her hair back and shook her head. Under the fluorescent lighting, she decided she looked ghastly. She could see shadows and wrinkles and felt she was aging by the minute. She rummaged in her purse and found a lipstick to give her pout a bit of shimmer. Grabbing her bag, she made her way down the elevator to the parking lot. The sweet thrill of escape pulsed through her veins and she wondered why she didn’t do this more often.

  As she approached her house, Kent was standing next to the Cadillac in Gramps’ driveway. Paige pulled into her driveway and walked down to Kent.

  “Wow, I thought you were going to stand me up when you drove right by.”

  “I’d never do that to you.” Paige allowed her eyes to connect with his. Electricity travelled through the air between them. His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and deep set. There was a seriousness about him, even though he was lighthearted. He held the door of the Cadillac open for her and she slid in. Paige sensed his confidence and wished she had some of that. Gramps waved to her and had this all-knowing grin. It was the same smile Justin gave her when she said she was going to see Kent today.

  She was thankful Kent was composed enough to put himself on a stage in a suit to be auctioned off as a packaged date for an unknown woman. That spoke volumes about the man. As they drove to the men’s store to find a suit, Paige figured she should make sure this was something Kent really wanted to do.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you could get a woman you might not like. Any female who bids on you – for the date – you’ll be stuck with her for the evening. She could be a cougar.”

  “I’m not afraid of women…in fact, I like them a lot better than men. It might be fun.”

  He flashed a smile her way and Paige felt herself melt. He was so full of himself. She worried a little about his prosthetic. Would that cause him anxiety?

  She forgot all about his prosthetic while Kent was trying on suits in the store. The late afternoon shopping trip became an enjoyable and relaxing time for Paige, not what she had imagined. An older gentleman measured Kent’s amazing form and disappeared to find suits that would fit him. When the clerk returned, he had a charcoal linen, a navy-blue cotton blend, and a black wool suit.

  “Three very different choices…” the clerk said, “I think all will look good on you, sir.”

  “Thanks. I’ll slip in here and come out for you to decide, Paige.”

  She didn’t have time to say anything. Kent disappeared like a ghost. When he reappeared, Paige couldn’t take her eyes off him. He stepped out in the gray charcoal linen, and she felt herself gasp. He strutted and smoothed the fabric. Everything about this man was beautiful, from his nose down to his toes. He was boyish, masculine and tough, yet there was this incredible tenderness in his manner with her. He posed, smiled and knelt before her, acting silly to make her laugh, and she giggled uncontrollably.

  Then he disappeared and returned moments later in the black wool. He looked like a GQ model. She wondered if he’d ever thought of doing that for a job. He strutted and danced a little jig. Paige nearly fell off her seat laughing. Lastly, he came out wearing the navy cotton blend. His blue eyes were lit from within when he looked at her. His smile was contagious.

  “Oh, gosh, I love them all.” She sighed.

  “Really? You can’t choose?”

  “I can’t. You look…wonderful.”

  “Really? Thank you, Paige.”

  His eyes met hers again and lingered. She looked away, and thankfully the clerk stepped in as she felt herself consumed with a hot flash.

  “May I suggest the charcoal linen?” It’s cool and comfortable and looks like it was tailor made for you, sir.

  “I love that one.” Paige murmured.

  “Done.” Kent smiled. “Put that on a hanger with a garment cover, please.”

  Kent slipped his arm around Paige ever so slightly as he ushered her toward the counter for payment.

  “Let me get this…” Paige insisted.

  “Oh no. I’m buying this. I need a suit anyhow.” Kent put his credit card on the counter.

  “How about going for a little ride tonight. You’re alone, right? Your sister has Justin?”


  Paige felt her heart race as a shot of adrenaline moved through her. She hadn’t expected this. Kent was politely taking charge and she was eager to spend more time with him…alone. She was also fearful, too, of the admiration that was blossoming inside of her for this stranger. Well, he wasn’t a total stranger, after all, she knew his grandfather. She wondered if Kent was a lot like his Gramps. There was the humor, the self-deprecating attitude. Yes, he was like his grandfather, she could tell.

  “Let’s stop at the little café up the street here. I’ve heard they have lobster stew. You like lobster?”

  Kent was opening the door for her, something Paige wasn’t used to.

  “Yes, I love lobster…anything.”

  “Good. I miss it. Didn’t get that in the marines.”

  “I imagine you didn’t.”

  At the café, Kent stood next to her as they read a giant menu handwritten on a chalkboard.

  “That’s it. I want lobster stew, a big bowl. How about you?”

  His decision was made quickly. Paige figured that was part of who he was. He was focused, clear-thinking, firm in his conviction. Paige felt her stomach gurgle and realized she hadn’t eaten for a long while.

  “Yes, that’s what I want, too.”

  Even though she tried to pay the girl behind the cash register, Kent had already made eye contact with the cashier.

  “No, ma’am. He’s paid already.”

  “What? Okay, how’d you do that?”

  “Easy, I pointed at the money in my hand. She got the message.”

  Boyish charm, that’s what he had, and plenty of it. Paige decided to eat dinner with him and learn all about Kent McCabe. She’d ask him questions and get all the details.

  He pulled the chair out for her at a corner table and delivered the lobster stew, complete with crackers and a chilled bottle of iced tea.
r />   “So, how long have you lived here?” Kent started.

  “Let’s see, about eight years.” Paige answered between bites.

  “Justin was born here?”

  “Yes. He just turned eight.” Paige was happy Kent asked her about Justin.

  “Tough little man, perceptive, too.”

  Paige was amazed by Kent’s description of her son.

  “Really? Why do you say that?”

  “He sent me a text and said you wanted to go on a date.”

  “What?” Paige couldn’t believe she was hearing this. “Where did he get your phone number? I hope you don’t think I put him up to this!”

  “Hell, no. He found it on Google, I suppose. Funny thing is, he used your phone, so when the text came to me I thought it was you. Then, he told me it was him. It was short and sweet, right to the point.”

  “I’ve got to talk to him about that. Oh, god.”

  “Don’t punish him, please, Paige. He reminds me of myself when I was his age. I did silly things like that, too. He just wants you to be happy.”

  “He knows way too much for an eight-year old. I don’t know if your grandfather mentioned my ex-husband and the incident.”

  “Only briefly. What happened? You must have loved this guy. You had a child with him.” Kent’s voice was soft and earnest, non-judgmental.

  “Yeah, I did love him. But it seems like a hundred years ago, I don’t really want to talk about him right now.”

  A silence hung between them while Paige noticed Kent did not slurp his stew; he held the spoon correctly and had excellent table manners.

  “Wow, this is delicious.” Kent breathed between bites. She could tell he was greatly enjoying the lobster stew. She wondered if he was hungry for the companionship of a woman and would savor her the same way.

  “Tell me a little about yourself. You served in the marines, and I know you got injured.” Paige wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but she had to venture into this conversation sooner or later.

  “Yes, I served in Iraq, just before the pull back. The explosion that injured me happened on November 5, 2011. It’s a miracle that I survived. My best friend, Stan, didn’t make it. I spent nearly a year having sixteen surgeries, then another year in intense rehab where I learned how to use the prosthetic. After that, I stayed in the Boston area and had another six months of physical therapy, until I became somewhat proficient with the device. That’s it.”

  “Wow – that’s quite a story. How long were you in the marines?”

  “It was only my second deployment.”

  Kent’s eyes left hers for a moment. Paige feared discussing this and wondered if she should’ve paid attention to her instincts.

  “I’m sorry, Kent.” Her hand touched his. It was all she could think to say at that moment.

  “No. Don’t be sorry. I’m an amputee. There’s no hiding the fact. I can do most things quite well, even running.”

  “I know. I saw you one night.”

  “Really? I thought I was in stealth-mode watching you.”

  Paige laughed.

  “Thank you, by the way, for mowing my lawn and leaving those beautiful flowers by the back door for me. That was sweet of you.”

  “How’d you know the flowers were from me?”

  “The vase…it’s mine. I loaned it to your grandfather last season for an arrangement – I think your dad sent something for Christmas.”

  “Dang. And here I thought I was being all mysterious-like and you knew just like that. You knew I was interested the moment you stopped by to say hello that day, didn’t you?”

  His truthfulness was disarming and Paige took a long moment to think about what her answer should be. Should she tell him the truth – that she found him attractive? Or, should she keep this in the friend zone until she knew him better? Truth was, she was terrified to get involved with anyone just yet. She needed to know everything about him beforehand, to ensure another bad decision wouldn’t destroy what was left of her.


  Paige’s momentary silence spoke volumes to Kent. He had sensed her attraction, but had to be sure. Everything tonight confirmed his assumptions, but, would she be willing to have a relationship with a guy missing part of a leg? Was she just sitting there at the table with him because she felt sorry for a wounded marine? Was it really because he was a veteran that she wanted him on display for her charity event?

  Her expressive eyes locked with his.

  “I knew you liked me, Kent. And, I figured we’d be friends right away. So, you’re right about that.”

  “Good.” Kent covered her hand with his. He didn’t press further, knowing it could backfire. Her hand was soft and smooth beneath his calloused one. He knew she liked him or she wouldn’t be sitting there flirting with him, laughing at the goofy things he said. But, he had to take his time with Paige. She was an injured person, too – but her damage wasn’t noticeable at first. He knew it would take time to gain her trust and affection. He was willing to wait an eternity, if that’s what it took.

  The hush of night had fallen. Outside, he opened the door of the vehicle and watched Paige get into the Cadillac. Holy hotness, she was sexy, the kind of woman who didn’t go to great lengths to be attractive, she just was. He ran around to slide into the driver’s seat.

  “Glad it was my left leg blown off and not my right. At least I can still drive.” Kent smiled and started the engine.

  She didn’t appear to be horrified. Instead, she smiled and touched his arm and said the most beautiful thing.

  “You’re a glass half-full kind of guy, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say I am.”

  “You’re a lot like your grandfather, I think…”

  “Is that good?”

  “Yes. He’s a wonderful man. I enjoy his company.”

  “Then, yes, I am very much like my grandfather.” Kent winked at her. “Hey, you want some ice cream? It’s on the way…”


  He loved the way she squealed that one word. Good. He had the feeling she was an ice cream addict like he was. That meant they were destined to be together. They both got a small cone, and remarkably both loved Pistachio ice cream. Go figure.

  When Kent got to Paige’s driveway, he didn’t want the night to end. Her house was dark and Thor was barking inside. As he walked her to the back door, a motion detection light came on and her face was awash in a golden glow. God, she was beautiful, even after a long day of work, shopping, and dinner with him. He stood there, feeling like he was back in high school, tongue-tied, nervous, sweating. Then, it happened.

  Bugs attracted to the light and swirled around it. One landed on Paige’s hair and his hand automatically brushed it away. When he did, she leaned in and touched her lips to his. The kiss was completely natural but took him off guard.

  A shockwave of testosterone flooded through him. Her velvety smooth mouth was on his and her lips tasted like Pistachio ice cream. His arms automatically drew her closer. He was getting the green light and hadn’t expected it this soon. She unlocked the door and took his hand. Thor greeted them both and Paige put the dog outside on his run. When she stepped through the kitchen door, within seconds, he had her up against the wall and his mouth covered hers. Kissing her was what he wanted and he savored the sweet lushness of her lips.

  Breathlessly, Paige pulled away slightly and pushed her hair back. “Wow, I don’t know what came over me tonight. I’m sorry.”

  Kent pulled her back into his chest.

  “I came over you. I wanted you to kiss me so much tonight, it was probably written all over my face. I can’t hide my emotions very well, Paige.”

  His lips found hers again and his tongue traced her perfect pout, hoping she’d let him in. He whispered in her ear. “Damn, I want you Paige.”

  So much for being subtle. All sense of control was gone. He was on auto-pilot and that was dangerous.

  “I know.” She whispered back. “Not here, no
t now.”

  “When?” Kent’s mouth was on her neck and he heard her breathing change. “You’ve been lonely for a while, so have I. What’s wrong with this?”

  He felt her melt into his arms and continued caressing her neck softly with his mouth. She liked it; he could tell.

  “Oh Kent.” She murmured his name and he loved hearing her say it. She wanted him. He was certain of that. His fingers moved expertly to her backside and he ran his hands over her shapely rear.

  “Paige, you’re incredibly beautiful.”

  With her sharp intake of breath, Kent could tell she was enjoying the closeness and his hands skimming her body. Her face snuggled against his chest. How far could he go? That was the big question. And, was she ready for him? Because, he was more than ready for her. She must have felt the hardness, sensed the torment in his groan.

  He heard her kick her shoes off in the dark kitchen. She took his hand and pulled him into the living room. In total darkness, she unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. He tried to control his breathing, but couldn’t and wondered if she could hear his heart hammering. When she reached over and turned on a tiny lamp, her hazel eyes met his. As if he was a starving man and her lips the last morsel of food, his mouth covered hers hungrily.

  His erection had been straining since she pulled him through that kitchen door; he was fully ready now. He mimicked her actions, and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a black lace bra covering small erect breasts. Once he unhooked it, the bra fell to the floor. He cupped her small breast in his hand. When Paige closed her eyes, and exhaled a sexy sigh, that’s all he needed to hear.

  His actions from then on were spontaneous. He lifted her slightly and placed her on the sofa. She smiled and her eyes beckoned him as he slipped off her skirt. The black lace panties didn’t stay in place for long. When he touched her soft ivory skin with his hands, she felt smooth, feminine, and sexy.

  As he placed his mouth over her nipple, she tossed her head back and inhaled sharply. Her dark hair contrasted against the white sofa giving her the appearance of an angel. Paige’s half-closed eyes told him all he needed to know. His pants dropped to the floor, and he tried like hell to forget about the prosthetic. He moved atop her, straddling her lovely form, resting most of his weight on his arms. His lips captured hers, more demanding this time. Kissing Paige like this was heavenly. His bare skin touching hers. His chest against her lovely breasts. Her fingers were all over him, exploring every inch. He could barely contain himself. He knew she was feeling the ridges of the scars that littered his body.